LRPS Panel

Apartment block in Docklands

Dockland Apartments
Window Reflections, Docklands
Reflections, Docklands
Windows in Salem, Mass
Windows in Salem, Mass
Rotunda, Canary Wharf
Rotunda, Canary Wharf
Beach Huts in Southwold
Colourful Huts Southwold
3 Flags, Boston, Mass
3 Flags, Boston, Mass
Fanueil Hall, Boston
at Fanueil Hall, Boston
boating pond in Southwold
boating pond, Southwold
Cheerleaders in New Year Parade
New Year Parade
colourful Windsurfer Sails
colourful Windsurfer Sails

This panel was awarded the distinction of Licentiate of the Royal Photographic Society (LRPS) in 2006. The images are presented here in the same layout as the original prints. Click on a thumbnail to view a larger version of an image. In 2010 I achieved an Associateship (ARPS) - there is a link to the ARPS panel above. In 2016 I gained an AFIAP.

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